IMPs. Lead 8♣
Playing against a Belgian side
I reached a dodgy contract where
My faulty claim I tried to hide
By stating that all tricks were there
The jacks and queens looked just the same
Those awful vees and dees we hate
And when they noticed our bum claim
The TD said it was too late
The above auction seems a bit pushy, but was perpetrated at a table at an invitation event in Antwerp for an EBL director's 50th birthday recently. North-South, visitors from England, were unfamiliar with the Belgian cards that were accidentally in use on this deal. South showed 17-19 balanced, thinking that all the jacks were queens, and North invited seven with 5NT, thinking the same. South bid the grand with his good intermediates. West led a passive club, and declarer claimed four clubs, and three tricks in each of the other suits. East-West accepted but at the end of the sesssion when hand records with the normal Q and J were handed out, East-West noticed that they might have made tricks in any of the three suits that were not led, but the TD ruled it was too late as there was no trick that it was "likely" they would have made. In fact, as far as he could see, the opponents were exactly 50% to make a trick in each suit. How do you rule?