I'd like your opinions about what strategy to take with such a hand in 3rd seat NV. Playing precision, partner would open every 11-count, and some distributional 10-counts as well obviously. You have several options:
- 1♦ is the systemic bid. It shows maximum 11-15HCP with 2+♦ (11-13 balanced included). In 3rd seat this opening can be lighter.
- 1NT showing 14-16HCP balanced. We frequently upgrade 13-counts to 1NT (especially with a 5 card Major).
- 2♣. Normally this shows 11-15HCP with 6+♣, but in 3rd seat a good 5 card ♣ is also allowed, and we may be weaker.
- I don't see any alternatives, but if you have any please let me know.
What would you open, and why?
Playing imps, I was dealt the following hand:
I'd like your opinions about what strategy to take with such a hand in 3rd seat NV. Playing precision, partner would open every 11-count, and some distributional 10-counts as well obviously. You have several options:
- 1♦ is the systemic bid. It shows maximum 11-15HCP with 2+♦ (11-13 balanced included). In 3rd seat this opening can be lighter.
- 1NT showing 14-16HCP balanced. We frequently upgrade 13-counts to 1NT (especially with a 5 card Major).
- 2♣. Normally this shows 11-15HCP with 6+♣, but in 3rd seat a good 5 card ♣ is also allowed, and we may be weaker.
IMO, 1N = 10 (Although, if you open 1N on any old 13 count with a 5 card suit, then you should declare the range as 13+ -16. -- Just my opinion -- The directors whom I've asked disagree with me). 2♣ = 8. 1♦ = 7 (but if the five card suit is diamonds, then 1♦ seems better than 1N.)