manudude03, on 2011-April-06, 22:35, said:
I think it's just attitude (std or reverse depending on agreement). I'm going to play a low heart regardless. Playing declarer for AJx JTxx QJx Axx (and dec finessing the spades) or A JTxx QJxx Axxx if thats a 1C opener in opps methods where we need to set up a fourth heart trick before declarer sets up the diamonds. Yes, I have to hope partner's
♥ are not 743
I edited the question. For sure it's not encouraging. You play UDCA. So it's either count from 3 or discourage. From 743 he would always play a 7.
I think this hand is more about analysis/playing for bigger chance than signals though.
I believe opponents methods are such that they open 1
♦ with 4-4 minors, but someone knowing French bidding standards could clarify.