gnasher, on 2011-January-19, 03:34, said:
The easy answer is to play what you currently play, except that 1NT-2
♥-3m is natural but may not have slam interest. Then 1NT-2
♥-3NT tends to show a balanced hand.
If you want something more sophisticated, try this:
I quite like the following scheme:
2C-2x-2S is an invite with spades
2D-2H-2S is an invite with hearts (might be followed up with 3m over 2N to show a shapely invite)
2H-2S-2N shows clubs
2H-2S-3C shows diamonds
2H-2S-3D shows 5/5 majors GF
2H-2S-3H shows 6 spades, either game invite or slam interest with shortness; opener bids 3NT to accept, over which responder signs off in game or shows shortness
2H-2S-3S shows any hand where responder wants to play 4S opposite 3 spades, and 3NT otherwise (typically 5431)
2H-2S-3N shows 5332
After 2D-2H the scheme is similar, except that 2D-2H-3H is 5/5 majors, invitational.
The advantage is that responder can force opener to bid 4S with 3 spades without disclosing the shape of his side suits.
I got this scheme from Han; since he didn't invent it we could call it Hanified transfer extensions.
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke