Stop cards are tools of the devil
Posted 2010-April-19, 17:13
When was the last time anyone had a favourable ruling for UI after an opponent pushed the stop card away and passed instantly?
When was the last time anyone had a favourable ruling for UI after a player clearly just marked time while the card was out?.
When was the last time anyone had a favourable ruling for UI when the same opponent clearly had a problem and used the full 10 seconds?
When I began bridge I quickly learned to make decisions over preempts in tempo and now I am too old to change
On the original question my heart goes out to NS but my director's head to EW.
The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of of liberty.
-A. Lincoln
Posted 2010-April-19, 17:15
gerry, on Apr 19 2010, 06:13 PM, said:
I agree with you and have long argued against them. Bluejak argues equally as vociferously for them. Gwnn could probably locate at least one thread where we had a long back-and-forth on the topic.
Posted 2010-April-20, 18:50
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2010-April-20, 18:53
Posted 2010-April-20, 20:03
As for "too much moderator license" if you want a forum where you can post to the wrong forum without any problem, there are no doubt plenty to choose from.
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2010-April-21, 01:22
Posted 2010-April-21, 02:13
Club players are generally not aware of what a normal tempo is, nor are they aware of the problem with creating UI for partner through a fast action. Most are aware of the issue with slow actions but they often have misguided ideas about it (for example, it is a widespread belief that you can't bid after partner's tank. Most don't realize that sometimes it is pass that is suggested by the tank). Or they are aware of the issue but don't have it on the top of their mind when it occurs.
So I think a "stupid" mechanistic rule for how long you have to pause is a good idea for club bridge and low-level tournaments.
Posted 2010-April-21, 09:42
Practice Goodwill and Active Ethics
Director "Please"!
Posted 2010-April-21, 09:49
Posted 2010-April-21, 09:54
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2010-April-21, 10:04
helene_t, on Apr 21 2010, 03:13 AM, said:
Of course you can have such a rule without having a little card to remind people. Just like we have rules about whose turn it is to bid and play at each moment with having to be reminded by the opponents.
Posted 2010-April-21, 11:51
They seem to work in practice, even if they make me feel like a school crossing guard requesting the kiddies wait for the traffic to pass.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-April-21, 12:59
Posted 2010-April-21, 14:54
But having said that, 10 seconds is long enough that if you have a medium-size problem against the preempt, you'll be able to come to a decision.
Mandating a 3, or 5 second stop over all calls gets us nowhere:
- if everybody does it, then if there's no problem, wait 3 seconds; if there's a small problem, it takes 3 seconds to decide; if there's a moderate or bigger problem, everybody knows it.
- if they don't do it, we're no farther ahead.
Yeah, playing effectively pickup, I held at all white SAKQJxxx and out (7132 or something like that). The auction went 1NT (12-14)-p-3NT to me. Hmm - if I double, will it ask for spades? Will partner get it if it doesn't? If partner isn't gong to lead a spade, is 4Sx going for 300? What's the likelihood that partner will lead spades into blank? Well, let's take the chance - pass.
Dummy says after 3NT= that if partner found a spade, he would have called the TD. Lucky for me, I have lots of people who will say "yeah, he pauses for 10 seconds over every skip bid, announced or otherwise, preempt or otherwise, AND IT'S REALLY ANNOYING".
The skip bid procedure is there for your protection - if you choose not to do it, less power to you. Now, fast action doesn't pass UI - unless you ever need to think. Then it says "pard, clear action here." And WeaSeL works.
Oh, and I hate-hate-HATE the bidboxes that are designed to not hold the stop-and-alert cards. People take them out (reasonable) - and DON'T PUT THEM BACK. And in three weeks, 60% of the boxes have alert cards and 80% have stop cards. Anything that encourages the players to not put the cards back is a misfeature in my book.
And of course you can have it without the card. We did for many years. And it didn't work. I'm not surprised, really - even with the card, it still doesn't work. Why? At least partly because, frankly, it's in one's own best interest NOT to follow the policy - because they get all the benefits of (non-deliberate) WeaSeL, and don't get punished for doing it, even not deliberately.
And if I had the answer to that, I'd be as famous as Spider Harris. But ignoring the policy because it doesn't work is definitely not the answer.
Posted 2010-April-21, 14:57
Posted 2010-April-21, 17:29
Practice Goodwill and Active Ethics
Director "Please"!
Posted 2010-April-21, 17:32
JoAnneM, on Apr 21 2010, 06:29 PM, said:
That's an easy one, pool (billiards), particularly 8 ball. Having worked in a pool hall for several years in college and played casually for a long time you wouldn't believe how consistently people have completely screwy ideas of what are and aren't rules. What happens after a scratch, legal ways to jump the ball, what makes a break illegal, etc.
Posted 2010-April-21, 19:13
JoAnneM, on Apr 21 2010, 04:42 PM, said:
I care. We are trying to provide advice on how to rule, and completely off-topic remarks that had nothing whatever to do with the topic and furthermore were nothing to do with how to rule did not help. Confusing people is not desirable nor necessary. I find it surprising that you do not care about making things difficult for people.
JoAnneM, on Apr 21 2010, 04:42 PM, said:
If you use bad equipment sure there will be a problem. But please blame the equipment not the regulation. You never have to search for the Stop card in any good bidding box.
Of course the Stop card is completely useless in the ACBL because the regulations are pointless: its use is voluntary, probably because getting people to follow any rules is so difficult there. But it helps the game in th UK without any obvious downsides.
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time
Posted 2010-April-21, 19:26
Also the digression didn't have nothing to do with the topic under discussion. If there is a topic about how great baseball is and I say "I especially love the Yankees" and you say "Me too but I hate their stadium" and I say "but their stadium has good hot dogs" and you say "there is a great restaurant not far from there with better hot dogs anyway" that is not an off-topic digression. That is a conversation!
Awaiting for you to dispute that in what would most-ironically become your third post in this thread that has nothing to do with "changing laws and regulations" (but is instead about proper thread and forum behavior).
Posted 2010-April-21, 19:45
We have produced three forums for advice on how to rule in situations, and one to discuss what is best. It does not seem unreasonable that discussing what is best should be in the one designed for discussing what is best.
Merseyside England UK
Currently at home
Visiting IBLF from time to time