2NT Stayman Relay
Posted 2011-May-29, 03:10
2NT-3C Stayman Relay
- 3D=No 4cM, 4+c♦ => 3♥=♦-length?;3♠=♣-length?
- 3H=4+c♥ => 3♠=4c♠ slam-try; 3NT=4c♠; 4♣=length in minors?
- 3S=4+c♠, No 4c♥
- 3NT=No 4cM, 4+c♣
And most further bids allow to ask minor length, but it is not possible to ask 5cM with opener.
I would think that compared with puppet stayman:
This system is better for slem investigation because you can better verify the minor suits (and the complete distribution).
This system is worse for weaker hands because you cannot verify a 5cM under 3NT.
=> Is playing in 5-3 important enough to prefer Puppet Stayman or will you have enough slam going hands after opening 2NT (or rebid the stronger 2NT after multi) to prefer Stayman Relay)?
=> What is the best system after opening 2NT? (I searched 2NT on the forums, but I needed to enter at least 4 chars to search)
Posted 2011-May-29, 05:07
3♣ asking and
3♦=no 4 card major (and smolen here)
3NT=5 spades
is almost best and has the virtue of simplicity.
The system in the opening post seems misguided because there's no smolen and caters too much to 4-4 minor fits.
George Carlin
Posted 2011-May-29, 05:08
kgr, on 2011-May-29, 03:10, said:
So when opener has hearts, I can show a slam try in spades, but not in hearts?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2011-May-29, 05:39
Posted 2011-May-29, 05:56
Posted 2011-May-29, 08:09
3♦=no 4 card major (and smolen here)
3NT=5 spades
I agree its pretty good. This will miss 4/4 S fit when opener has both M
If you do not want to miss 4/4 S fit when opener has both M
You can use
3D no M or 5S
3H exactly 4H
3S exactly 4
3Nt 5H
So after a 3H response you can bid 3S to show/deny 4S. Instead of using for asking for 5H. The big drawback is taht that on 3Nt signoff hand you have to bid 3H
3D--- you have to bid 3H if you want to play 3Nt/ask for 5S. Since 3S/3NT are smolen.
This right side and find almost every fit (only when responder is 53?? and opener is 34?? that you miss the 5/3 S fit). But it give a lot of lead directing X.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2011-May-29, 09:06
1. Niemeyer with 3H and 3NT responses reversed:
- - 3H=4cS; 3S=4cH
-3H=No majors
- - 3S=Transfer 3NT
- - 3NT=5cS and 4cH
2. Romex:
-3D=no 4cH; no 5cS
- - 3H=asks 4cS
- - - 3S=4cS
- - - 3NT=no 4cS
- - 3S=5cS; 4cH
-3H=4+cH; No 4cS
- - 3S=asks 5cH
-3S=no 4cH; 5cS
-3NT=4cH; 4cS
Posted 2011-May-30, 01:51
gwnn, on 2011-May-29, 05:07, said:
3♣ asking and
3♦=no 4 card major (and smolen here)
3NT=5 spades
is almost best and has the virtue of simplicity.
The system in the opening post seems misguided because there's no smolen and caters too much to 4-4 minor fits.
How can opener know what to do with 4-4M after 2NT-3♣-3♥-3NT? Responder may be looking for a 5 card ♠ (3=2=4=4 for example) but he can also be looking for a 4 card ♠ (4=2=4=3 for example). This is supposing 2NT-3♣-3♥-3♠ asks for a 5 card ♥. It's simple but it doesn't get you to the best game...
Posted 2011-May-30, 02:09
3♦ = no 5M or 4♥
....then 3♥ = 4♠
............3♠ = 5♠ 4♥
3♥ = 4+♥, no 4♠
.....then 3♠ asks
.............3NT = 4♥
.............else = 5+♥
3♠ = 5♠
3NT = 4/4 majors
Posted 2011-May-30, 03:53
Free, on 2011-May-30, 01:51, said:
I think 99% of such structures contain at least one case like this. Unfortunately this one is no exception.
George Carlin
Posted 2011-June-02, 11:34
gwnn, on 2011-May-30, 03:53, said:
I have a simple method that fits gwnn's 1% as a puppet replacement : there are no cases of missed major fits. Moreover, all major contracts are declared by opener, and you play in the better 4/4 fit rather than the 5/3 fit when both are available. It doesn't do anything for minors, but having found you have no major fit you still have 4C/D/H available to look for minor games/slams.
It is enabled simply by
1) not using red suit transfers when you are 55 or [54] in the majors,
2) having responder's bid of a major denying the possibility of a contract in that major,
3) having a 3NT bid commomly offering a major game alternative.
There is a special bid of 3NT showing 5 spades and 3 hearts. If you wanted to just bid 3NT you would look for a major fit first.
2NT 3♦ transfer to hearts denies 4 spades, but may have 3 (in case opener has a 5 card spade suit), and completion of the transfer is followed by
3♠ = denies 3 spades
3NT = shows 3 spades
2NT 3♥ transfer to spades denies more than 2 hearts.
So a 3♣ reply - essentially asking for a 4 card major - may conceal a 5 card major with a 4+ holding in the other major.
The replies to 3♣ are :
3♦ = no 4 card major, but may have 5 spades
3♥ = 4 or 5 hearts, denies 4 spades
3♠ = 4 spades, denies 4 hearts
3NT = 4/4 in both majors.
After 2NT 3♣ 3♦ responder bids
3♥ = R has no 5 card major
3♠ = R has 5 hearts
3NT = R has 5 spades
4♦ = 55 in the majors - pick a major
If responder denies a 5 card major by 3♥ now opener comes in with 3♠ if he has 5, or of course 3NT if not.
Over 2NT 3♣ 3♥(4 or 5, denies 4 spades) responder goes
3♠ = R has 3 hearts, asking for the 5th
3NT = to play (R denies 3H)
4♥ = R has 4+ hearts
Over 2NT 3♣ 3NT (both majors), responder passes or transfers to a major.
Simple enough when you remember the principles. An initial response of 3♠ is available for what you will - eg a transfer to clubs or for the minors.
Posted 2011-June-02, 12:02
problems with it:
-you can't show 5M/4m hands with slam interest
-there are various 3NT bids by responder so you need something for bigger hands?
-it seems very counterintuitive to me but well that's a matter of taste
George Carlin
Posted 2011-June-02, 12:08
1 question: what do you do as responder with 5♠-3♥? Seems to me that you start with 3♣, but you don't find the ♠ fit after 2NT-3♣-3♥ when opener has 3♠-4♥.
EDIT: I missed the 3NT response...

Posted 2011-June-02, 12:21
Free, on 2011-June-02, 12:08, said:
he responds 3NT directly. Hence he needs to bid 3♣ whenever he wants to bid 3NT, which is unworkable in my opinion. I think 3♠ forces 3NT is OK.
George Carlin
Posted 2011-June-03, 04:20
gwnn, on 2011-June-02, 12:21, said:
I like this. Thanks. I agree that it is a downside giving bids that allow opposition to make lead-directing doubles and otherwise giving away information unnecessarily. But 3♠ forcing 3NT certainly helps, and it can be followed by other bids for minors.
When you have serious intent to find a major fit you have to give information, and that is unavoidable.
With regard to the question of having stronger responder hands, instead of bidding 3NT responder can bid something else as the final bid - for example, 4♣ gerber when no major fit is found.
The method is a bit deficient when holding a major and a minor, and I'd welcome suggestions and ideas. Currently we play transfer to a minor followed by a major is slammish 5m4M and transfer to a major followed by a minor as slammish 5M4+m, but there may be something better. At the moment we have 3♠ as transfer to clubs, but with the new 3♠

Posted 2011-June-03, 04:38
Free, on 2011-June-02, 12:08, said:
Very good question and I have no agreement but would like any ideas you have. All our 2NT bids and rebids are 2 point ranges, so we could say 4NT in place of 3NT perhaps? (To ace ask in spades we would transfer to spades then bid 4NT, so we have no other meaning for the 4NT bid.Perhaps 4NT = 53xx inviting slam if there is a fit ( but passable without), and 5NT = 53xx insisting on slam somewhere?
We haven't any meanings so far for initial responses above 4♣ so if anyone has a structure they would care to share, I am all ears. (Or eyes

Posted 2011-June-03, 05:45
Posted 2011-June-03, 11:27
He kept stuff from the original romex its 2Nt-3NT MSS D transfer and 2NT--3S = clubs/both m or transfer to 3NT
But keeping your methods you can use
3C-3H-3S (asking for 5H or any H raise) instead of just asking for 5H. It allow to play that 4H is 5S+3H (it will sometimes lead to a 43 fit in H when 53?? vs 24[43] but the hand with 3 trumps has a doubleton)
A later modification he later made is 3C-3Nt = 5H rather than 4S/4H.
And 3C-3H-3NT = to play
3C-3H-3S = 4S or slammish something.
It wrongside a S contract when opener is 44 and responder has 4S without 4 H and but give a bit less information on more common 3C-3Nt where they would often lead a S and a bit less lead directing X.
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2011-June-03, 11:36
George Carlin