diana_eva, on 2015-November-12, 09:44, said:
Removed a rude post in the WC, global warming thread.
I bet you'll make a similar post again, shortly.
But you should also think about what is causing the problem here. The post that caused this insult ("you ignorant piece of **") is indeed absolutely idiotic, and insulting to the problems faced by a large number of actual people.
I just do not understand why this thread is tolerated on BBF. The watercooler is meant for BBF members to have a place to go if they feel like taking the discussion off-topic. The global warming thread instead mostly attracts posters who do not post outside the watercooler, or in many cases not even outside this thread. And for the most recent additions among those, it is really hard to tell whether they are just trying to provoke (i.e., being a troll), or whether they are indeed as idiotic as their posts.
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke