Having a standard system card which can be altered is a very good idea, but one you are not allowed to alter annoys people at all levels who have some pet conventions.
Couldn't agree more. My club has copies of a "Young Chelsea standard" card at the front door which casual partnerships can use but they are free to add what they want to this. It is designed to speed up the process of agreeing and is also used for things like the annual club individual where it must be played "as is"
I have not run a Simple Systems tourney in England for some years but they were noticeable for a lot of arguments and unfriendliness over what was permitted, a problem almost unknown in other tournaments.
The local county newcomer pairs this year featured several emails (determined not unfriendly) as to whether x was allowed and if not why not. In England until the last review(in 2006) of what could be played there were also arguments about which level a congress was being played at, indeed you could find that Saturday and Sunday were at different levels so the scope for argument was substantial. I'm glad to say that this, at least, has now gone away at the cost of some who think one or two things now allowed are a bit much.