This is a fairly well-known hand, solved by Michael Rosenberg on the way to his fine win in the World Par Contest in 1998. If you don't know it, you may enjoy solving it. West leads the six of hearts and East will show out on the second round of trumps, of course, but you don't know that in advance.
I quickly established that the missing two of spades was a black herring, and irrelevant, but the third club intrigued me. Parts two and three are: How would you play if the third club was the seven, and how would you play if the third club was the six? If you ask EW, they will tell you that 2H is 3-9, always a six-card suit.
"Lat nat this wrechched wo thyn herte gnawe, But manly set the world on sexe and seuene."
[Also on Bridgewinners, as some do not read both]
Well spotted, Paul. Win ♥A. Cash ♠AK, discovering the 4-1 trump break. Cash ♦AKQ.
1. If East is void in ♦, West is 4171 and your best hope is that he has a singleton ♣ honour. Cash ♣A, cross to ♠A. Cash ♦J, Ruff-finesse ♣J.